A good read and why legit doctors shudder at the mention of Dr. Rader
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03-31-2009, 10:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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Dwayne - I am just quoting out of a book as I told you, but it is strange to me that other doctors do not seem to feel that he is concerned about patient safety. We have only had one person on this forum who took her child there. No one else that has posted on the open forum that I know of. She was so excited to begin with and then we heard nothing more from her. I have no idea why. Have you contacted other stem cells doctors or did Dr. Rader simply state that he could help you with your condition and so you didn't search any more? I am not one that cares about peer reviewed articles to the extent that some do, but when a doctor states that he is not concerned at all about documenting patients that seems more like a money machine to me than anything else. It also seems a little scary. Will you get any type of documentation as to where the fetal cells come from? What exactly is he offering? How long ago did treatment take place for those that claim he helped them. In Ms. Fox's book, there were several paragraphs describing how one child's fetal treatment kept wearing off and the child was asked to return for more and more therapy. It was not very encouraging.
When I got my first treatment, many said I was brave. Looking back on it, considering the cells were probably contaminated that I got at SCB, I might have been brave, but I was also stupid. I am much more cautious now.
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