Hopes of custom-built organs from stem cells
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01-18-2008, 07:19 PM
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Oct 2005
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I e-mailed the company that Lee posted about and got a nice response. I wasn't sure what they were doing since part of the site is in Russian and now Elena has been gracious enough to respond to me which I might add is not the case with many of my inquiries to some stem cell companies.
Dear Barbara,
We don't actually cure patients, we just send them to different clinics. We deal with patients who have different cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, traumas (including spinal and brain), autoimmune diseases etc. Doctors usually treat patients with stem cell technology only if they are sure in positive result. If there are some doubts they can invite patients to some clinical study. On the whole the results are good.
Best regards,
Elena Gugnina
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