"PRE"-Stem Cell Therapy
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01-14-2008, 11:10 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I must warn you that not all folks who receive stem cells have the same results as Barb and I but then we are one of the first to have gotten them so maybe it's just a matter of time.
In a nutshell I can tell you that one year ago today I was contemplating going on disability because I had so much trouble doing anything that I preferred to simply sit home. I was short of breath even sitting and needed oxygen 24/7.
Today, I only need oxygen for sleeping and long walks over several hundred feet because I still do destaurate. I rarely get out of breath and my heart rate has dropped from an average of 95 at rest to 80. No more heart pounding either. I still work full time and go shopping, to movies, dining out, visiting, etc.
We were told it could take up to a year to see the complete improvements. So far it's only been 9 months.
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