It's been a while ago, but it was during one of his US open wins. It was late in the round on sunday he hit it left into some wasteland, but not in a hazard. The ball was virtually unplayable. However. there were camera cranes about 250 yards away, which looked like they went up 100 feet in the air. Because he yanked it so far left, they crane, which is about 1-2 feet wide, was slightly in his line to the green. Ernie called it as an man-made unmoveable object and wanted relieve. And got it. Nearest point of relief was about 20 - 30 yard toward the fairway and got to drop on a nice flattened area by the gallery. This was totally the wrong call, because the cranes were moveable and also there was now way he could have hit it at the green because of the lie. Well, he went on to win and it was directly because of the shit drop he was awarded. he totally took advantage of the rule to better his lie, and that is NOT the intent of the rules. Ever since then I am an ernie hater.