You guys didn't hear what I said. If you shoot over 100 I agree, get any ball you can find because chances are it won't be around long enough for you to establish a relationship with. But as I said any player who can score in the 90's can hit, at times, a decent PW. Obviously if you skull it it won't hold if it's a Pro V or a Top Flight. But when a decent iron, especially a shorter iron, is hit well with a good ball it won't hit and run off the back like a Top Rock or Pinnacle will. And no doubt a player shooting 95 will hit a lot of slices/hooks. That is why I suggested a ball in between a Top Flight and a Pro Vi like an NXT or a Noodle for that level player But for a teacher to claim that you need to be a 5 to really get the benefit of a spin ball is just plain wrong. I've never been a 5, 6.9 being the lowest I've ever been. But that doesn't mean that I haven't benefitted from having a ball that doesn't release over the green. Hell even on days where I shoot 92 I can still hit a punch SW that checks nicely with a Pro V.