I'm so ITCHY!!
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07-04-2010, 06:25 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I'm so ITCHY!!
I don't know if this is a new form of allergies, but I swear I would have no skin left if I had fingernails! Thank God I cut them off yesterday so they are fresh nubs!!
I would swear I had lice, but that's just paranoia since the itch is EVERYWHERE!!! My legs, my scalp, my face, my own fingers itch!!! The back of my legs are the worse! my tummy is the only thing that doesn't really itch - probably because it has a nice layer of fat to protect it...
I don't understand why I am so itchy...some one come slather some Caladryll on me or something! I would take an oatmeal bath if my tub wasn't so gross!!!
OMG what do I do ? Itchy Itchy itchy.......
You know that calm feeling you get after you scratch the shit out of an itch, my whole body feels like that at the moment because I just did a dance naked on the carpet! I am so itchy.!!!!!!
I am typing this to keep myself from itching.
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