Question about HCG brands
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07-30-2012, 04:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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Question about HCG brands
Hi all,
Advise needed from the fine members of this board
I've been on HCG for a long long long round 2... since March 8th and have lost about 124 pounds so far. Almost done.
I've been getting HCG from my doctor but I decided to try and save some money so I got some Ovidac from India.
When I reconstituted the Ovidac and tried it I felt very sick (Im a man so no period issues or anything I just felt very nouxious and had a headache and felt just sick). I took the same amount of HCG as I had been previously taking which is about 275 iu or so. I reconstituted the second vial and took 50 iu as I was scared lol. It seems my stomach is a bit out of whack. Ill switch back to my doctors HCg tomorrow.
Has anyone else experienced this with different brands? Is ovidac known for being harsh? Should I try a different brand like Corion or Hucog or just keep letting the doctor rip me off?
I plan to keep taking it even after I finish every 3 days for HRT purposes so Ill need less and the doc only sells 11000 iu vials.
Just had to rant.
Thanks all
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