I'm back!!! Time to jump on the wagon.
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02-26-2012, 03:46 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I'm back!!! Time to jump on the wagon.
Hopefully some of my friends are still on here. I haven't even logged on for MONTHS. I had a positive pregnancy test last June/July just as I was starting a new round. I lost the baby in August but I was close to 14 weeks by then. I tried to do it on my own, but never experienced miscarriage symptoms even after 2 weeks. The day I spiked a fever the doc scheduled the D&C. Within 4 days I was back in the ER with massive bleeding.
The only reason I say this is the last 7 months have been pure hell. I have never miscarried before and the recovery has been so much harder then a pregnancy (of which I've had 3.) Energy is GONE. Motivation is GONE. Depression has set in and I have very few good days. Being the anti-doctor freak that I am, I've been treating with essential oils, homeopathy, and energy work sessions and have been able to stay on top of things, but I still haven't felt like ME. I've learned through all this that any assumption of me NOT being an emotional eater has flown completely out the window. I never thought I was, but I'm catching myself doing it now.
I was so happy with my weight loss on HCG. I maintained for quite some time and was thrilled! But this emotional roller coaster has defnitely thrown me for a loop. I just decided last night to try this again. Don't judge, I have done full rounds and know how it works, I have also tried to cycle and seen how I fail but right now, I just need to see progress.... I have it on my calendar to take another PG test on March 9th. I realize I don't have enough time to complete a full round before that time but at least I'll see a bit of loss. If I can stay on my game, I can up my calories and rely on natural HCG during my pregnancy, but if it's negative, I'll just finish with my round.
If nothing else, I remember how good I felt on HCG. I actually DID have energy and my body didn't feel bogged down. I couldn't get out and run a marathon because I just physically didn't have enough sustanance for something like that, but the general feeling of well-being was there and that's what I need.
I need my support system back! Wish me luck. Today is Load-1. I'm getting my head wrapped around this. I know i can do it, I've done it before and been very successful. I'm trying to think positive.
If you've read this far thank you - and I'm so glad to be back!
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