How to Perform a Proper Steak Day
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05-18-2010, 01:07 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi everyone..did my first steak day yesterday (I was only on D4 of P3)..down -4 today!!! Back at +1 over, I'm ok. I started P3 Friday and thought I could have salad with oil/vinegar..deviled eggs, chicken brats..guess I had too much, so I'm slowing down. I'm so disgusted in the hidden sugar in EVERYTHING. I thought deviled eggs were ok, nothing about sugar in the nutritional info but in the ingredients, there is sugar. Same for salad dressing. I really don't want to have to go all over town to buy products that will work. I did go get some greek yogurt (9g sugar but natural I guess) and mixed stevia and fruit with that. I really want to lock in at LIW so I have to be careful. I also hadn't had a up at 3am uncomfortable so I took some magnesium citrate that I had for my daughter a year, it hit at 6am, didn't think I'd be able to take my kids to school! So, I'm clean out, it's a fresh start today...thank heaven for fresh starts! Steak day was ok for me..I got pretty hungry and right when I got my steak on the grill, the gas ran out of the tank..a 30 minute trip to get a new tank..I was pretty cranky by the time I ate. But, steak days work..I just pray I don't need them often!
And, I'm leaving on a cruise on May 29, two weeks in to P3 so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. Lots of protein I guess and by then, more fats and maybe a few carbs towards the end. Love reading about everyone's journey...helps me stay focused.
Good luck everyone..stay posting..there are tons of us out there reading but not always writing.
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