what excercises build strong biceps?
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01-12-2007, 06:48 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
fill a pillowcase with 1 kg of rice, and use that to workout with.
You want to work out the whole arm not only your biceps or else your arm will be out of proportion.
do overhead extensions(triceps) were u stand with feet shoulder-width apart, one hand on your hip and the other stretched straight up, holding the bag. you slowly bend your elbow, lowering the pillowcase down behind your back. try to keep your elbow aimed directly at the ceiling. extend your arm straight up. do 8-12 reps.
another exercise is the Hammer curl(biceps)
Stand shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly forward than the other. hold pilllowcase at hip height, arm straight. then slowly bend arm, keeping elbow locked into your side. Squeeze bicep, bringing the pillowcase back towards your shoulder. slowly lower the pillowcase back down to your side. Do 8-12 reps and change hands and repeat.
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