Mommy dearest!
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09-22-2012, 04:10 AM
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Oct 2005
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[quote=Shiva;374258]A new family living under my balcony. The yellow-orange one tells me the father was that blond cat visiting my property earlier this spring. He disappeared suddenly, I guess after getting his way with the lady. The picture could be better, but I didn't want to scare the cats off while they fed.
Since male cats range about in search of ladies, the likelyhood is that the blond cat has died. The elements and illnesses can take a heavy toll. But in North America there are quite a bit of native creatures that dine on cat. Where you live Shiva the lynx, bobcat, owls, fishers, bears, hawks and if you have coyote and wolves, would all make an easy meal of felines. Did I mention foxes that will take them out of barns, sheds, off windowsills, and closed in porches?
Male cats live a short life. Their ladies and offspring live much the same short life. We see feral cats regularly because people throw cats out regularly. It's not a life they choose, its the one humans give them. Most feral populations succeed where humans live in abundance. But even so, the turn-around of individuals is quite quick. I feel sad for the kitties. Its a shame their owner didn't think of them as living feeling creatures instead of disposable garbage.
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