Traveling and Dining
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02-12-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Teuthis, I have been having a similar experience as the last few days I have been offsite in training. I had to eat out each day for lunch, so I made it into a treat and tried out different restraunts that were supposed to be low carb.
The thing is that most of my meals were larger than I normally have for lunch. That was fine and a strategy as the training site has tons of free goodies from pastries, tons of snack candies, and cake, cheesecake, cookies, etc. for afternoon snack. I knew that I would be less tempted as long as I was full. Also, my fiance is in Oslo this week so was eating along. This meant I could have my big meal at lunch (which actually is better for me anyway) and eat a snack for dinner which I have done each day so far.
Thinking ahead and planning my strategy got me through what could have been disastrous. The urge to just pop one of those small little candies that I haven't had in almost 2 years or more was high even with being not hungry. It would have been far worse had I not planned.
On a funny side not, sometimes fate or your guardian angel just steps in. Today at lunch at O'Charley's I ordered a burger with no bun. It came with french fries. Rather than hassle with trying to switch I decided to take it as it came and have a side salad. I thought that I could have one or two french fries (my "tasting" cheat) and that would be fine as I would be full from the salad and burger. Well, when I ordered the burger with no bun and added the salad, the waitress said, "Oh, you want it low carb?" and I said "yes." Just before leaving the table she said, "do you want the fries?" Initially I said "that's fine," but then she added "because you can substitue another side." Well, in the face of all that questioning I went with a substitution. So, someone was watching out for me since I didn't even get my french fry cheat!
And today at afternoon break they had chocolate cake, but I held strong.
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