Anyone who really understands this diet, I need help
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03-31-2010, 08:12 PM
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Oct 2005
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I guess I could reiterate the science here but it seems such a waste since you are reading the book, but to very quickly and briefly summarize the science... Carbohydrates= fuel for your body. Stored fat = fuel for your body. Thus reducing your carb intake means your body burns the stored fat as fuel and you lose pounds. The more active you are the more fat gets burned and the faster you lose weight. It's that simple.
As far as the calorie thing goes, your body still needs to eat low carb food, and reasonable but not gigantic portions of it, to trick your body into burning the fat as fuel instead of holding on to it. If you stop eating like normal your body says "starvation" and you won't lose a thing.
I'm curious also as to how you were eating before hand and what off the wagon is for you. Also what have you been eating on the diet? Ifbyou post some menu's it might help us paint a clearer picture of where you've gone wrong.
I have my fingers crossed for you!
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