The Swift Boaters are BACK!!!!
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04-03-2007, 02:57 PM
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Oct 2005
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The Good News .. who the fuck cares what this group of loony liars do. Their lies and deceptions are only exceeded by their irrelevence.
Will conservative media Swift Boat apologists now apologize?
Media Matters - Will conservative media Swift Boat apologists now apologize?
excerpt --
In recent weeks, conservative media figures -- such as Robert Novak, Brit Hume, Tony Blankley, and Fred Barnes -- have lauded and vouched for the credibility of the recently released Regnery book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, co-authored by anti-Kerry group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth co-founder John E. O'Neill and Jerome R. Corsi. Due to reports by numerous credible news sources in recent days, many of the stories told in Unfit are falling apart, and the partisan ties of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are proving to run even deeper than previously known. Yet even after The Washington Post discredited a Kerry critic on August 19, The Washington Times published its third of three Unfit excerpts -- and with it allegations made by that same Kerry critic -- on August 20.
Following are recent reports that debunk and discredit claims made against Kerry in the book:
-- The Washington Post: "Records Counter a Critic of Kerry"
-- USA Today: Swift Boat Vet's "contention is contradicted by his military records"
-- MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews: host Chris Matthews told a Swift Boat vet: "You haven't produced any personal knowledge"
-- MMFA: "O'Reilly Factor sub host challenged Swift Boat Vet on failing to question his own Bronze Star citation"
-- The Oregonian: Swift Boat Vet "did not witness the events in question"
-- The New York Times: Swift Boat Vets' "web of connections" to Bush family, Karl Rove; Swift Boat Vet said Kerry was "a good man" in March 2003
-- ABC News: "On the Record: Who and What Is Behind the Anti-Kerry Vietnam Ads?"
-- The Boston Globe: Swift Boat Vet "retracts criticism of Kerry" (When the Swift Boat Vet recanted his recantation in an affidavit, the Globe stood by its report; Annenberg Political Fact Check reported that his affidavit was "misleading" and contained "an incorrect characterization of the official basis for Kerry's Silver Star.")
In the face of mounting evidence that these claims have no merit, conservatives have continued to tout the book and many of its baseless assertions.
I encourage you to go to the link and read the gushing approvals for these liars that come from the leading republican "thinkers".
Stick a fork in 'em .. they're done.
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