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Old 06-03-2007, 01:07 PM   #30

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What's frustrating about America is that they make fun of Hillary for using an accent when telling a story, but they have no problem voting twice for the village idiot with the Texas drawl whose family are North East Republicans!
Bush ties his shoes on his own and half of America gives him credit. It must be spooky to live in a country where people won't at least listen to each other. Notice that righties don't ever attack Hillary's ideas, they attack the fact that she exists. Pathetic.
Hillary's ideas? Sure.

Let's have a look at her most famous - really, her only - national level policy initiative.

In the early 1990's, her husband decided she should head up healthcare reform in the US. Millions of dollars were spent developing a proposal that was so inept that even with her party controlling both houses of Congress and her husband in the White House, it died in committee having been found so lacking as to not even merit presentation to the full House.

She's stepped up to the plate on the national level and failed. Utterly and completely.

She had her chance, and proved she can't hack the program.


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