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Old 02-26-2007, 02:05 PM   #9

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Oct 2005
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I'm still trying to figure out the logic of including the photo...
Yea okay, my bad…
I was hoping to discuss the inequality and injustice of immigration enforcement “and possible motives.”
By pointing out the differences of which immigrants are allowed in and which meet deadly force I hope to shine some light on a question that’s bothered me for a long time.

Little Emilio Gonzales mother faced death to get him here and he was sent back by a federally armed military magnitude invasion into An American state, city and neighborhood community with locked and loaded automatic weapons trained on U.S. residents in the neighborhood who showed no resistance or aggression. (God democrats scare me, I mean fuck, they just got through killing all those people on Waco…).

I wish I could find the cartoon I saw in an Islamic news paper that was showing our National Guardsmen with dog tails tucked between there legs running away scared from Mexican immigrants. I wanted to post it with a shot of a fully armed Bob tail battle cruiser firing off the buo of an un-seaworthy “Gilligan Island size boat” with 40 to 50 men, children and women holding babies with looks of terror in there face.
Something is going on. Would you dare,care to engage in a debate about the topic???
Andoror is offline


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