Brookings Institute – Top 10 Global Economic Challenges
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02-25-2007, 11:14 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
And what do you base your nonconcern with CO2 on?
CO2 is 1/20th as powerful as a warming gas than Methane. In addition, the vast majority of CO2 (well over 97%) is from nature. And, the Vostok ice core data when graphed (temp and CO2) shows changes in CO2
changes in temp by 400 to 800 years which to me, means that CO2 is a very weak GW gas as it had no effect on changing temperature according to the Vostok ice core data.
In addition, the sun was recently in a 1000 year high sunspot cycle and there is evidence that sunspots can influcence the earth's temp (for example, the Maunder minimum which was an abnormally cold period on earth coincided with a time of no sunspot activity. There is also evidence of other similar coincidences.) I've also found scientific evidence of the surface temperature of the ocean tracking almost 1:1 the sunspot numbers. In other words, more sunspots, more higher surface temp, less sunspots, cooler surface temps. To add to this, the energy of the sun has been increasing by 0.05%/decade since the 1970's so there are two factors from the sun that we are being hit with. And if these two factors really did have an affect, wouldn't you expect it to also melt ice on neighboring planets? Well, ice on Mars has been recently observed to be melting.
There is also the fact that the earth's average temp has varied naturally from 12C to 22C and we were just in a 12C period.
In short, my "nonconcern" is that I don't see CO2 as having much impact based on what I've foudn out. In addition, there are natural factors happening that many scientists say could be having an affect on our temperature.
I also don't trust most of the group of scientists from the IPCC which is part of the UN which itself is an organization that pushes socialisim and which some of its founders were communists. Why people take these people at their word like they are an objective group of professionals without their own biases and agendas is beyond me.
About the only way I will become a believer in man-made warming due to too much CO2 is about ten years after the sun has quieted down. If its still hotter than normal after this (and assuming no major volcano eruptions), then I'm with you. On the other hand, if it cools down, then we averted major economic damage by not succumbing to leftists with a flawed theory.
And in the meantime, I all for developing shale oil (if possible) and renewable energy sources for the goal of being weaned off of middle east oil and its problems. I also support energy reduction ideas such as changing from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs. LED light bulbs use a fraction of the energy of a fluorescent light bulb and a fluorescent light bulb uses a fraction of the energy of an incandescent light bulb so LED's will
save a lot of energy.
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