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Old 02-16-2007, 09:09 PM   #30

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Well, if I felt that the war was wrong and I didn’t want the surge to go forward I would want my leadership, to stop passing gas and actually do something concrete….like pulling the funding…its simple….move on your convictions ..this non binding nonsense is just cheap political cover that really isn’t any cover at all..its the congressional way of saying nya nya nya nya..

they want to be able to say; "hey we didn't pull funding from the troops see"? BUT they want to be able to say as well, "hey we tried to stop it and went on record as to our diffrences with the plan"...fine..thatill net them zero...

Let them stand up and do what they SAY they want to do..stop the war..pull the funding..its that simple.. Introduce an honest to god resolution to do so, lets go on the record in a binding vote…..reps and dems….don’t be cowards….just do it…I am wondering why dem and rep. anti war supporters aren’t pissed off…....well, know why and I think anyone who wants to be honet can see it,,,they are playing cheap theatrical politics.. no wonder congress's
approval ratingsare 10 point lower than bushs...*sigh*
So why make them your enemy when it's apparent judging from your post that they are in collusion with the war effort?

Even Feingold, whom I do support because he is truly trying to stop the war, called out Democrats as well.

So are you angry that Democrats are down with war but just playing a game with the American people? It's what you said... so why are you mad? You're not indifferent to a rubber stamp congress vs. one that just plays the part that would garner the same results? Why?
ballingham is offline


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