Did you really think they would? It seems that our two party system is in a state that reminds me of Orwell's Animal Farm. The Who describe it well - "Meet the new boss! Same as the old boss!" (Sorry for the back-to-back allusions). It seems that, for the last 20 years or so, both parties have run on platforms of "we're not the people in power, fucking up the country - vote for us by default!" I'm wondering if this is all coming to a head and we're going to see a viable third party enter the mix soon. For a while, I thought that the Libertarians might be successful at attracting moderate Dems and Republicans who were disenfranchised with Bush's fiscal and foreign policy liberalism. But, with the Dems unexpectedly pulling a majority in both houses, I think that dream is going up in smoke. Fiscal conservatives in the GOP now have a new bogeyman to blame for the country's economic deficiencies (and probably rightly so), and I think the window for the Libertarians has closed (though whether they could have made any noise is debatable, given their absurd positions on certain issues). {Sigh} Unfortunately, I see no end to "business as usual in Washington"