NOWHERE in the article does it mention that Ellison or his aide wanted Tancredo to stop smoking in his office. Anyone who press this is just spinning another conservaganda. According to the article, the police arrived to check on the smoke - NOT to tell Tancredo to stop smoking. What Ellison wanted Tancredo to do (if any) is not mentioned. Perhaps Ellison's staff was alarmed and worried that it could be something else, like a fire. Perhaps they just wanted to check and make sure Tancredo's cigar was put out properly and didn't cause a fire like some cigarette butts have been known to do. Perhaps they just wanted Tancredo to smoke his cigar in such a way that it doesn't cause smoke to creep into the next room. What was said between Ellison's staff, the super, and the police is not mentioned in the article. BOTTOM LINE: Ellison has not said, or even inferred that he wants Tancredo to stop smoking in the office. This is just another spin from the spin-happy right.