Lots of Democrats are cashing in their chips vying for the big chair in the Oval Office. It makes strategic sense. Right now they are dealing with frustrated Americans willing to vote for anything that isn't Republican. At least they have credentials. Take that mayor of NY that wants to run for President. What's his qualifications? Well, he did bullhorn speeches like Bush after 9/11.... that's it! He wasn't even questioning or inquiring about the toxicity of the smoke and debris left by the tragic event that was immediately cleared and deemed safe to breath. Subsequently, it was unsafe to breath and many Americans became seriously permanently ill due to the hasty and suspicious clearance of the aftermath. When I read stories about it, I saw that mayor's name no where to be found. He seemed like the most uninvolved mayor I have ever seen in the face of a tragic event. For some reason, people regard him a hero. I find that very insulting to the intelligence of the American people. He just made grandstanding speeches.. that's it folks! As for McCain, that two-faced scumbucket doesn't have a chance in hell in being elected. He has been outed as being an obvious panderer to the religious base and has been such a horrible flip-flopper that people can't tell which lobbyist's ass he'll be kissing the next day because it is ever changing. See what I did there? I gave valid reasons why this man wouldn't be elected and it had nothing to do with him using a government plane or a school he went to when he was a itty-bitty kid. There are valid reasons not to vote for Obama, but you're oblivious to those reasons because you blind allegiance to the Republican party has voided all possible relevant thoughts and concerns on this man just so you can prove to yourself that your a true trooper to a fallen disingenuous political party.