Conservatives Fighting Against Their Own Party's Spin and Lies
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04-02-2007, 09:44 PM
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Nov 2005
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Yes, I have had many good talks with
liberals who still hold to the old liberalism that believes in free speech, the significance of the individual, the importance of compassion (as opposed to pity) and holding on to the positive aspects of tradition.
I have far more in common with them than with neocons, but
I (and they) have almost nothing in common with the Pelosi/kennedy/Hillary/Biden/Leahy world, where free thoughts and free speech are not allowed if they disagree with the party line.
It's true that most traditional conservatives did keep quiet. We should have spoken up more often - and we are at fault over this. I would add, though, that it really is true that there is very little interest in our views. Agreed, there are also differences in new and old liberals that go un-noticed by the media. A classical liberal is probably closer to what I consider myself when you get down to it. Modern American Liberalism is something else of it's own, and you did a nice job of pinning down some of the differences here.
It's just a shame that in the second line I bolded, that same line of thinking goes in the Republicans now, but instead of the hypothetical situation being one of Pelosi maybe calling Pat Moynihan "intolerant" on abortion (though Moynihan was more of a true liberal than she) -- on the right, it's more of Cheney calling Warner an 'anti-American' because he has criticisms of the war. It's a shame such name calling goes on. It's evident on both ends of the spectrum.
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