Exxon Does It Again
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01-02-2007, 01:57 PM
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Oct 2005
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Exxon Does It Again
I'm surprised none of you corporate hating types didn't beat me to this. Exxon reports another record profit. This time it is $39.5 billion. My hats off to the management of Exxon. I'm sorry, but no matter what they get's not enough.
BTW...tha's about a 10.5% return on their revenue. Here's a poser for the liberals that think profit is evil. If your 401(k) returned 10.5% per year, would you be happy? Would you think that was an unfair return on your money and give it back to the people that bought the products that generated the profit for the companies in your fund?
Here's another one. How many jobs do you think will be created with the reinvestment Exxon/Mobile is going to do with their profits? And do you think some of that investment will be in research and development of new and alternative sources of energy?
Oil giant Exxon posts record earnings - Earnings -
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