From the link I provided (I just clicked on the link in my own post above): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] Page: S1088 DIVISION B--IMMIGRATION REFORM DIVISION B--IMMIGRATION REFORM TITLE I--BORDER SECURITY -------------------------------------------------------------------- That's what's in the text that the Distinguished Gentleman from Massachusettes slipped into the now-misnamed Minimum Wage Bill. Each "Page:" reference is actually a hyperlink to pages from the Congressional rRecord, detailing all the amnesty stuff. Back to the subject: Kennedy knows that popular support for such a bill is nonexistent, even as support in the Senate is high. So he tried to slip it in under the public radar, in hopes that only the joint House-Senate committee would have to deal with it, with far less public notice than comes from open debate. Repubs and Democrats alike have been supporting amnesty, in direct defiance of their constituents' desires. It's part of what cost the Republicans their majorities in 2006. I suppose I should be happy that the new Dem majorities are trying the same thing, even more disingenuously - it will help get them boot out as the Repubs just were. But granting amnesty to the 12-20 million illegals already here, is a very steep price to pay even for getign rid of socialist Democrats and Republicans from Congress. And the Presidency, if it comes to that.