Maher Arar given $10mil for being sent by US to Syria for torture
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01-28-2007, 06:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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One of my good friends was born in Iran. As soon as her mom was able they left the hospital and bought their way out amidst Iraqi bombs going off during that war (she was born in '84). She lived in Turkey for a bit, then Germany and then Montreal. Her family is not religious. They don't give a fuck about Iran or Islam or anything other than being descent citizens.
Its easy to turn a blind eye to people you don't know like Maher Arar who's just some middle eastern man who got mistaken for someone else. If I picture my friend being taken away and sent to Iran for stoning or something it becomes unthinkable.
Jviehe you strike me as someone who is really un-sympathetic to the collateral damage your current administration is causing to good people all over the world. I get the impression that you'd support rounding up every single muslim in America until the war on my balls is over. After all, they did it to themselves and your illusion of security far outweights any trampling of a muslim's rights. You need to wake up.
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