Chavez Granted Rule by Decree
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01-02-2007, 11:45 AM
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Chavez Granted Rule by Decree
A few articles on the news from Venezuela, which has just granted Hugo Chavez the right to basically make his word law (at least in certain sectors). He may now simply "degree" that certain laws are in effect in the fields of "national security", "public safty", "energy policy" and so forth.
This seems like a disturbing step toward authoritarianism. Admittedly, there are times when an executive needs to be able to immediately enact policy, but I think they should be few and far between and watched cautiously by a legislature ready to pounce.
This sort of wide ranging freedom to "rule by degree", combined with the fact that the legislature was just estatic about giving it to Chavez, seems to bode ill.
I pulled the thread title from the Aljazeera article (because they had the catchiest title) but there's a clip from the New York Times that i found disturbing as well.
Chavez granted rule by decree
The vote was taken in public in a square in Caracas [Reuters]
Venezuela's congress has granted Hugo Chavez, the president, powers to rule by decree - enabling him to push through plans to nationalise key industries as part of his "socialist revolution".
The special powers, which last for 18 months, will enable him to transform 11 broadly-defined areas, including the economy, energy and defence.
Roberto Hernandez, the congressional vice-president, said: "We in the national assembly will not waver in granting president Chavez an enabling law so he can quickly and urgently set up the framework for resolving the grave problems we have."
Chavez's supporters deny the law constitutes an abuse of power and say radical steps are necessary to accelerate the creation of a more egalitarian society.
The opposition accuses Chavez of being a tyrant in the making, taking a slow approach in following Fidel Castro, the Cuban leader.
Al Jazeera English - Americas
From the New York Times:
But even some supporters of Mr. Chávez have questioned why he feels the need to bypass debate over measures that could have far-reaching impact. Legislators specified 11 areas in his enhanced power, including public safety, territorial arrangement, energy and national security.
Since winning re-election in December with more than 60 percent of the vote, Mr. Chávez has moved to strengthen his grip on power. He has said his government will not renew the broadcast license of RCTV, a television station critical of his policies, with plans to turn over the license to a state broadcasting entity.
And Mr. Chávez has moved to nationalize companies in the telecommunications and electricity industries, as well as asserting greater control over oil-producing ventures with foreign energy companies. Mr. Chávez has also signaled deeper changes to governing structures by putting a Communist Party legislator in charge of strengthening “communal councils,” local governing entities loyal to Mr. Chávez.
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