UK catches 9 MUSLIMS before act of terror
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02-01-2007, 01:36 AM
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Oct 2005
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This is why we need the patroit act and wiretapping to go with it.The only way we can stop terrorist acts in our homeland is listing to cell phones reading other peoples e-mails cause terrorist is using cell phones and e-mail to know when Bin Laden says to carry out the attacks.This is exactly what happend on 9-11 terrorist were communcating though the hotel phone and Al Queda called them and gave them codes on attacking the WTC.I disagree we should do it by the consitution by getting a warrent to investigate.The Consitution only applies to US citizens not to forgeiners.If you do it by the consitution then it takes time for paperwork and all that crap before you can arrest someone.By that time it might be too late.Thats why the brits were able catch these terrorist cause they do wiretapping and they trace everyones e-mails cause the brits dont have a consitution.And its bullshit forgeiners must get a lawyer and be tried in civil courts.Im 100% Behind Gitmo bay system and a military tribune.With If we tried the nazis in US Civil Courts instead in Nuremberg? I gurantee you Judges would give the nazis an ordinary deportation.
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