Parishioners tackle gunman in church
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01-02-2007, 09:14 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Wow, the death penelty for attempted armed robbery now?
And by lynching no less?
That certainly sounds like justice: "You take my purse; I take your life".
More seriously though, where I used to live (in the Southwest) "make my day" laws required that:
1) You could not use deadly force unless there was reason to believe that you were in danger of death or serious bodily harm.
2) You must declare your intention to use force BEFORE doing it. Meaning basically you have to give the guy a chance to just go away.
So if someone breaks into your house and starts unplugging your TV and you step out of the bed room and just blow him away, you go to jail. You have to tell him "Leave or I'll shoot" and then give him a chance to leave.
Basically, the restrictions keep you from killing someone over something minor, like trespassing or petty theft.
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