Man, you people are unbelievable. Most people that are "rich" (not John Kerry rich or Ted Kennedy rich) worked their butts off to get there. From the little guy that started his own chicken restaurant to the business pro that put in a gazzilion hours to the doctor (doctor?) to the musician (yes...even gangbanging rappers) to pro athletes, they all worked their asses off to get where they are. They weren't lazy whiners that think life didn't give them a fair shake and let the rest of us know ad nauseum while they cry whoa is me. Most of them deserve what they have and should be entitled to keep it. My guess is Iron, you don't pay a whole lot of taxes. You may not make a whole lot of money either. I am not putting you down for that but if and when you ever get yours, your outlook on taxes will change also. I have a friend who always says this: "I pay enough taxes to sustain a small country. I think I pay my fair share."