Citizens Reserve Corps... The New National Guard Reserve?
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01-25-2007, 05:04 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
One thing I have learned over my 40+ years is that the SOTU address is loaded with the same platitudes regardless of who is doing the speaking. "We must fix Social Security" (applause) "We must become energy independent" (applause) " we must start a new civilian reserve corps" (applause) "I need to go potty" (applause) " I did not have sexual, relations, with that woman" (applause) It's all just smoke and mirrors. Now, thankfully, we have a divided government (again) and nothing will get done. This means far less damage to our pocketbooks.
At any rate, in 6 months nobody will remember a word that "W" said about a Civilians Reserve Corps. He can then bring it up at next years' SOTU address, along with Social Security, energy independence, etc...
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