Bushes plan succeeding
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01-18-2007, 04:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sounds good to me. However the sending of 20K more troops kind of contadicts this thinking. Maybe Bush should listen to what the Iraqi leaders are telling him.
Some other interesting points.
Nouri al-Maliki said the insurgency had been bloodier and prolonged because Washington had refused to part with equipment. If it released the necessary arms, US forces could “dramatically” cut their numbers in three to six months, he told The Times. Why are you worried if dems will support this more weapon plan? It's obvious who really doesn't support it.
The US Government is wary of handing over large amounts of military hardware to the Iraqis because it has sometimes ended up in the hands of militias and insurgents. Legit reason to not hand over large amounts of guns. Although I think there will always be this risk. It has to stop being an excuse sometime in the future.
Also, I think the title is a bit Bush's plan succeeding is a misleading title. It is al-Maliki telling Bush what they need which is obviously not what he has been giving them.
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