Well, one would think so, and I do respect your position on that, Varus, however, I've learned a couple of things over the last 6 years about these people. One is they try to demonize all forms of our nation defending itself, particularly if those methods of defense come from the Bush administration. The other being that Liberals are extremely invested in our defeat. I can't understand it, but they want us to lose. That's how they look anyway, they come up with ridiculous statements like: "I support the troops, but not the mission!" Which in itself is an impossibility, and a borderline oxymoron. They spread rumors and lies about perfectly legitimate programs such as the NSA foreign surveillance program and the Patriot act. They have a pre-9/11 mentality that for the life of me I'll never understand. It's like they refuse to accept the idea that we should defend ourselves in the face of terrorism. If they were to get their way, they would flush the nation down the toilet with social programs and the surrender of our troops.