STOP RIGHT THERE!!! An Approval rating is a binary rating of how a sample group views one man/woman's job performance. So it's an anwer to the question "Do you think President Bush is doing a good job as our president?" Lately 60+ out of 100 Americans have routinely been answering "NO". The other 30+ out of 100 are answering "YES". What you quote as an "approval rating" for Hillary and OBama is in fact just a poll to collect a favorite to be the 2008 Democratic Candidate. So the question posed in this poll is something like "Which Dem would you vote for if the 2008 primaries were today?" The answer would be Obama or Hillary or Edwards or Other..... Not exactly a yes or no answer.... That 100% of responses is comprised of 6, 7, 8 (or however many Dem Candidates there actually are) possible answers. So you see if you were to do a real approval rating of either Hillary or Obama, the question would have to be something like "Do you think Obama is doing a good job as a U.S. Senator?" When you have statistics from a poll that answers that question, come back and try to cause an uproar.