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11-01-2007, 04:37 PM
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Nov 2005
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I recall something about Rumsfeld saying that the attacks and the levels of violence traditionally decrease during the months of Feb/March/April.
If so, Bush is using this time frame to take advantage of this fact to quickly get these additional troops on the ground in Baghdad and falsely claim credit for the reduced violence.
Bush is clearly delusional if he actually believes that an additional 15K to 20K troops will make a whit of difference. " Together Forward " was a 50K influx and that was a failure.
But we are to believe that this time it will be a success becauise troops will remain on every street corner to keep the peace?
An area the rough equivalent to LA will be kept under control with 15K? Whose 15K? US troops or Iraqis? If it is us, cut that # in half - unless BushCo expects them to work 24 hours a day every day. So 7500 troops will secure and hold a city of 6 million people?
And if the Iraqis take up the task? Laughable - they will not confront their fellow Shi'ites. So the civil war will continue unabated.
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