its very likely that bush will try and ignite WWIII before the end of his presidency. he's following warmonger william kristol's script now. just read their rhetoric carefully, look at hardware thats moving into the region, and those placed in positions of command (why is an navy admiral now in charge of ground forces?), etc, etc. after he invaded iraq, people understand bush and the neocons are capable of doing the unimaginable. bush sees this as a regional war and thats exactly what he's after. and, as most probably don't know, but just for the record, iran does have the right to enrich uranium for nuclear energy. not that facts or accurate information matter to most americans or the mainstream media though. as long as our spineless, worth- nothing congress (democrats included) and our mainstream, corporate owned media continue to lay down and give bush whatever he wants, expect the worst most unimaginable to happen.