Story too incredible to punished for speaking English
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12-01-2007, 12:04 PM
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Oct 2005
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Seeing people defending a situation where American children are prohibited from speaking english ANYWHERE is proof positive that this "America" we now live in is as fucked up as a soup sandwich. Um, OK, again, WHY? And did you read the whole story because that's not what happened. I just got back from a vacation in Curacao, an amazing Island where everyone speaks 4 languages. English, Spanish, Dutch and Papimiento. And you know what, they still know they are Curacoan have a Curacaoan culture and no one's any worse for the wiser. On the other hand as an American tourists we looked a bit boorish and backwards only being able to speak English and a bit of Spanish. This Language issue is leaving us behind the rest of the world and there's just no need for it anymore.
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