Pig Farmer to move because of mosque
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06-02-2007, 12:17 AM
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Nov 2005
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Sweetness and Light
should get their facts straight before attempting to incite hatred.
This pig farmer, Craig Baker, was using the adjacent property ( with/without permission ? ) as open range for his pigs to sleep/shit/dig & whatever else pigs do. That might have been going on for some time, but I doubt adverse possession was claimed.
In any event, the Muslims wanted to begin construction on
property and asked Mr. Baker to remove his animals. But instead of complying and thanking them for the prior use of said land, he became petty and spiteful and resentful of the fact that this future use was being taken away from him.
So he thought up this assinine display. Muslims do not revere swine - that is another religion and another animal. Muslims consider pigs inferior animals. How staging races would bother the mosque is a disconnect with intelligence for old Mr. Baker. And he found a willing accomplice in this
Sweetness and Light
rag, along with many residents of this community.
Ignorance can rear its' head anywhere.
Many municipalities attempt to legislate away " undesirable " elements, usually through zoning changes. Fortunately, Grandfather Clauses protect existing businesses. In the case of bars/taverns; once ownership changes hands, the new owner is denied a liquor license. That is the underhanded way that these " morality " laws are enforced.
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