I understand. It is simply my personal feeling - just like my feelings about abortion. That intuition, if you will, comes from personal experience in both cases. I sense what is right. I sense that life is right in all its pain and joy. I don't discount a fetus or the woman who decides on abortion. They are equal. And I don't discount the mentally retarded or physically impaired. This is no kind of argument but it's another aspect to consider. emphasis mine You actually did say "must" and you did say "they can no long[er] care for them". This is important. Maybe you didn't mean to but that's the hypocrisy I'm trying to show you. It's a cop-out. It's the same cop-out the parents use for themselves because they aren't sure it was the right thing to do either. It was simply more convenient. The threat of rape and molestation is thrown in to strengthen the case but it does not. In fact, in does the opposite. If the parents were so concerned, would they be so willing to submit their 9 year old/3 month old daughter to extreme hormone therapy and a hystorectomy which is not medically necessary? The day I can't take care of my children is the day I can't take care of myself. At that point, having put them through any hormone therapy and surgery would be moot. This point is inarguable. It is a matter of convenience for the parents. Fine. I understand. My cousin went straight to a nursing home when her mother died. Her sister was simply not willing to give her own life for her sisters and she is a consideration too. You go on to talk about yeast infections etc... thats quite a bargain! Here are some well documented risks and side affect of estrogen therapy at even LOW doses (this kid has massive doses for a couple of years): blood clotting liver damage, tumors and liver cancer kidney cancer and tumors high blood pressure glucose intolerance nausea and vomitting severe cramps diahrrea jaundice migrain headaches dizziness severe depression and mood swings incontenance leg pain chest pain difficulty breathing hair loss (on your head) and indeed...prior to her hystorectomy, increased yeast infections would have been probable. Not pretty. Here's the killer in this argument: if the girl dies tomorrow her parents tortured her for nothing. If she lives to be 100 it is at the mercy of her parents. They are indeed, afraid she will live forever.