Murdochs news empire is shaking
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09-07-2011, 05:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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Murdoch is certainly not an unknown in the US. In the UK he is getting into real and deep troubles currently however. After the "News of the World" scandal (which included allegations of tapping the phone of a kidnapped and afterwards murdered child and not only causing big suffering to the parents it also messed into the police investigations and lead them to wrong conclusions) which lead to the closure of that boulevard paper with a very long history the problems didn't stop there. First David Cameron got into real trouble because his former press chief and Murdoch employee got into the focus of police investigations. Cameron tries to do damage control by trying to distance to the Murdoch empire.
Latest news is that Rupert Murdochs son James (who is the boss of the British branch of the news empire) is now getting into the focus of British as well as American authorities as well. Accusations are among others the bribing of higher police officials.
This all comes as Murdoch tries to do his greatest deal ever: the takeover of the pay tv channel BSkyB.
What do you think, is this a a conspiracy against Murdoch done by his enemies or is it just that some of the dirt could not be hidden anymore? And if Murdoch takes over Sky as well, what does that mean for the British democracy? Obviously the government is having very close relationships with the news emperor already today.
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