That's bullshit. You know very well that this President inherited two wars that weren't on the books. He put them on the books and it makes the books look terrible. Conservatives have a convenient way of applying their stupid logic: if you don't see it, it doesn't exist. Like if we just think away the gay, than gays won't really exist. If we think away the debt, it just won't exist either. I blame unpatriotic members of the party-within-a-party of the Republicans for this, since S&P and others around the world have stated that the recent debt-limit deal and it's ridiculous process the last few weeks shook the confidence of the markets. It was a deal that Republicans could've agreed to months ago but didn't because they need the economy to be as bad as possible in order to get elected in just over a year. All that conservatives talk about now is how even liberals don't like Obama. That's ironic. Conservatives seem to like him more now that the country is on it's way back down the shitter, which says something about their values. The number one reason to write-off anything that the S&P says was made clear on Monday, as the only thing that investors bought was U.S. Treasury Bonds, which means investors think that the U.S. is good for paying back their loans despite the hard times. Once again, the bond market reveals to us that the President is right; radical steps don't need to be taken. Just compromise and intelligence. Had the President got the $4 trillion+ deal he wanted that included tax reform in it, and had he got it a couple months ago, the country wouldn't have been downgraded, and this funk would have never happened, but it did, and we all know why it did, thanks to the moronic wing of the Republican party who relished seeing their country practically fall to it's knees right before their unpatriotic eyes.