9.1 percent Unemployment
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05-08-2011, 07:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics released their monthly report on unemployment
this morning
.. and it is still
way too high
This, of course, is to be expected as
is being done by anyone, Washington, domestic corporations, anyone, to enact the state-of-emergency action necessary to solve the problem.
As the current figures show, unemployed people are now dropping off the accounting charts!
Table T01
Table T08
And Table 4 Table 4. Persons not in the labor force by age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, desire for work, prior job search, and availability
for work, June 2011 (Source: Current Population Survey)
(Numbers in thousands) (not available online). This table shows about 60% of the disaffected workers, etc., not considered in labor force but definitely wanting work, the remainder having dropped off the grid. Ask the BLS for this table, they will e-mail it to you .. and ask them why they don't just publish a link to it for all to see! The current 60% number of disaffected workers stands at 6,810,000) So, the BLS "official" unemployment rate: 9.092% .. compared to last period's 9.182%.
The True Unemployment Rate:
.. compared to last period's 15.71%.
The true unemployment rate is found by adding the disaffected worker count of 11,350,000 (calculating 100% using 6,810,000, the 60% figure as a base) to the labor force in table T01 (153,228,000), then dividing that into the sum of the disaffected worker count and the "officially" unemployed count of 13,931,000 from Table T01 .. = 15.36%
The total part time for economic and non-economic reasons count of 26,654,000 in T08 is down from the previous reporting period (27,022,000).
So what does this all mean?
The Civilian Labor Force dropped again, from 153,421,000 to 153,228,000, and the number of officially unemployed dropped from 14,087,000 to 13,931,000 .. and so did the number of employed people, dropping from 139,334,000 to 139,296,000.
So where did all our people go? Did they retire, join the military, get thrown in prison? The percentages are down more because the number of counted people is down than because the economy is rebounding (which it isn't).
No, what is logically most likely is that the BLS is no longer counting huge numbers of "discouraged workers", because for many of the past's 99-weekers who have long ago given up, many now homeless, they aren't available and reporting anymore to the BLS as their survey agreement with the BLS requires of them .. and thus the BLS agent's statement that the "discouraged workers" count they have is 60% of the actual is likely not true, as it may be quite a bit less than that.
Thus we simply don't have a true count of the total unemployed .. which is, logically, much higher than the 25,281,000 the BLS presents to us.
The government and the media just aren't presenting to the general public the numbers they have that truly shows that unemployment is way above 9.1% ..
.. And the government just doesn't have all the facts necessary to show that unemployment is likely way above the 15.36% figure we can indeed extrapolate from their woefully under-stated unemployment figures.
Nothing is improving here.
The problem is just hidden.
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