College Bans National Anthem
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10-07-2011, 03:05 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I have worked for the amish personaly. They are good people in general but they are very money minded. They have many small shops around the country and most are not afraid to work young children from 8yrs on up. They give them the learning esperience while at the same time paying cheap wages. Also the jobs young people do make good babysitters.
Don't fool yourself, they have computers, cell phones, and land lines. They use them for business and others they use for self communication to the community.
I was told if I were one of them I could get insurance. I understood that but needed the job anyway. I enjoyed working for them and was easy to make friends. We all cannot live their kind of lives or we would be overun by agressive countries. The heros keep all of us free eventhough many have no reasoning of understanding that. Our current regime is a very good example of using people to gain their agenda. Which is to destory our very way of living. Wild Bill
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