AQ is an international movement, and one that both seeks and has roots in the US. It's just as much domestic as it is foreign in that regard. That it specifically is engaged in attacking the US and its citizens is self-evident. Unless AQ would actively cease all dealings within the US and restrain all its criminal activities and purposes to non-US theatres and citizens, the US has jurisdiction over any person affiliated with AQ under the theories and type of laws I suggested earlier (conspiracy, vicarious liability, etc). In short, a movement can't be 'a little bit pregnant' with criminally conducting itself against the for a penny, in for a pound.
I submit that there's plenty evidence to convict me of that beyond a reasonable doubt at times. Often times, these are very good debates that can't justifiably be addressed with quick responses for anyone to get a proper benefit from it. Even the ones I offer that are lengthy are very often still very insufficient and generalised for a good understanding that's actually necessary. If anything, IMO, there's too much bumper sticker answering anymore in societal debate and discussion and it too often leads our citizenry to ill informed decision making. There's only so much we can do via a VBulletin format, though.