Truth is, both parties know something has to be done, yet neither seem to be willing to compromise. And that is the biggest problem, IMO.
The Pubs insist on cutting spendiing while giving more tax breaks, while the dems seem to want the opposite.
The compromise lies in cutting spending, while increasing tax revenues. The revenue issue requires overhauling the tax codes, eliiminating loopholes put in there by special interests, and in the process lowering tax rates on income taxes, while increasing capital gains taxes. The corporate taxes need this overhaul as well, taking out exemptions given to some of those guys, the special loopholes, while lowering corporate rates, while increasing tax revenues.
That is what must be done, yet the political climate is not condusive to real reform. The Pubs are dead set on shrinking the size of gov't, perhaps in a draconian fashioin, and if the nation goes down the tubes and folks starve, that is a small price to pay. I actually think the solution lies with the dems, but they have to compromise as well.