Arizona Gov. Brewer Vetoes Bill to Allow Guns on Public College Campuses - Brewer vetoes birther, campus gun bills This evening AZ Gov Jan Brewer, of transplant-cutting and racial profiling fame, vetoed bills that would require the President as well as any other presidential candidates to show proof of citizenship via either long form birth certificate, baptism or circumcision certificate as well as a very unpopular bill to allow guns to be carried on AZ campuses. "I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for President (sic) of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their "early baptismal or circumcision certificates" among other records to the Arizona Secretary of State. This is a bridge too far", wrote the Governor. With these developments just in, does Brewer hurt hurself vis-a-vis Tea Party support? Time will surely tell, but both vetoes this evening are welcome news from a state that has been in the spotlight for very controversial reasons over the last year or so.