This cuts it. Eric Holder and Obama has alot of explaining to do. We just sent Mexico another 500 MILLION dollars to fight the drug cartels in Mexico--and what is coming to light--at the same time, is our government has been arming their enemy--the Mexican drug cartels. Over the past 8 or 9 years thousands of Mexican militia--police and civilians--including American citizens have been killed in the cross-fire--and our government has been arming them. It wasn't that long ago--that Hillary and Obama came out and stated that American citizens were arming these violent drug cartels. NOPE--it turns out it was THEM. US ATF Secretly Arming Mexican Drug Cartels | Real News Reporter Of course Eric Holder U.S. attorney general-& in charge of the Justice department--is denying any knowledge of this--LOL A congressional investigation is now underway.