Hey Boehner! Where are the f'n' jobs!?
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03-23-2011, 05:57 PM
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Nov 2005
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I know I am the only one here who thinks any recovery for our workers is a pipe dream, given the current economic model the US has embraced. But, I just cannot ignore what common sense tells me. We not only have millions unemployed, but we have millions under employed. And we had those under employers folks in vast numbers prior to the crash of 08. I know many of those people here in my area personally. In all age groups, but especially in the over 50 age group.
While the offshoring has slowed a little, it is still alive and well, and leaving for China and other slave labor areas steadily, slowing bleeding the host that I call America's Workers to death. When you are bleeding jobs, this makes it difficult for any strong job growth into the future. So, when the unemployment numbers do get better, it will be a snail creep, instead of the manner we saw it BEFORE offshoring so much of America's industry. And this means over the next decade or so, we will have an increase in America's poor. And even a loss in middle class, with wage stagnation the status quo. And that is the only place our current model can lead.
There is nothing wrong with fair trade. I believe in trade. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. But we don't have anything close to fair trade when it comes to China, or any slave labor developing nation. Instead, we have a model that guts American industry, certain segments of it, and in the process displaces American jobs that some Americans cannot replace as they just are intellectually, average people. To say that some folks are not as smart as others, is not PC, but its the TRUTH. And American industry could and did use these people for decades. And there are a helluva more of those sorts of people than you would ever admit. I know scores of them just in my own area. These folks have been joining the poor ever since the Repub yielded to corporations and gave em tax breaks to relocate to China and Mexico and other diverse places.
So, you want jobs? Don't look to the Repubs to help out, unless you want to employ some Chinese. And don't look to the Dems either for that matter. But I will say this, and it's a fact. There are still a few Dems who actually "get it" in regards to the destructiveness of corporate globalization, and while they recognize it will not go away, they do seek to hogtie that fucker, so that it doesn't destroy our working and middle class folks. You indulge in globalization, you just don't give away the whole damn store in the process. And you don't do actions that destroys our own People, the folks these dirty politicians are SUPPOSED to be representing, instead of selling the People out to special interests with deep pockets.
You really want to get the gov't back working for the majority of the People? Public finance all elections for Congress and the Presidency. Making accepting contributions a jailable offense, because dirty money is ruling today.
I heard yesterday with Pawlinty, that if he won the primary to challenge Obama, it would cost him 1 BILLION bucks to win! 1 BILLION dollars for god's sake. There will be not strings attached to those donations, but ROPES. How in the hell can you expect these jackwags to represent the American People? You can't. And it is obvious, this money and politics has created a beast, that feeds on not green grass but green currency.
We gotta have real, and effective reforms in the election process. Give the media some tax breaks in exchange for them allowing equal time for each canidate, once a week 3 months prior to Nov of that election year. It't the public airwaves afterall! We own em. The People owns them.
Allow each canidate a few million bucks financed by taxes, and limit these fuckers. And pay extra attention, using the brightest lawyers, to alleviate the inevitable loopholes that always find their way in previous campaign reforms.
Only Draconian methods will put an end to this Oligarchy we have morphed into. Then we will have perhaps the first real representation of the American People in a long time, if ever.
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