Excuse my French BUT WTF do you expect from guys we have had in active training for years to kill whom ever is determined the enemy at any given moment ? Deploy re-deploy etc. Our troops are "trained" to kill people dispassionately as all troops are. Perhaps some of the victims shot the finger to our troops and this was the finger they removed. Maybe some of our guys said to themselves: "You want a taste of what war does to a guy while you sit on your ass making money ? JUST WATCH Pussies !!! Should they worry about capturing the hearts and minds ? You have to be kidding if you think they do. Go get 'em tigers ! Read how Count Dracula turned back an invading army by decapitating and impaling thousands and hanging them from the trees in sight of the invaders who promptly turned around and went home. Many seem anxious to have war Maybe it's time to have the big one and involve each and every human on the face of the earth.