It's a handout when more is paid out than what was received plus simple interest.
SS, as it was established, wasn't a "handout". It was essentially an old school pension plan with a defined benefit at plan maturity. As with other such plans the critical flaw was that invested contributions didn't produce a sufficient return to fund the promised benefit. That flaw was compounded with COLA adjustments implemented in the 70's and then when Congress raided the Trust Fund beginning in '83 the whole system went to hell in a handbasket. Today, instead of being anything resembling a contributory plan, SS is a straight up entitlement and the "contributions" through FICA are little more than another funding source for the General Fund. SS is very, very broken and needs a complete overhaul if not outright elimination. Government has proved to be unable or unwilling to properly administer the program and they have failed miserably in their fiduciary responsibilities. If they were a private company handling this program there would be people who had traded their pinstripes for prison stripes a thousand times over but that simply isn't going to happen. There are ways to offer comparable benefits to the general public without direct government control but making such a switch would require either a huge temporary tax increase or elimination of a huge chunk of other government spending. Such a tax increase would be difficult in the extreme since most people are under the impression (justifiably so) that if we agree to a temporary tax increase it will quickly become permanent. The same goes for chopping the government budget by 50% because so many people are now reliant...or at least believe that they are reliant...on the government to provide so many services.