SS will be completely solvent through 2037, which is more than 100 years since it was started, and will be able to pay out funds until 2084. Not many private endeavors do that well do they? Yes, there are problems with SS, but they are surmountable. 7 Ways to Make Social Security Solvent - TheStreet My biggest gripe is that people whine about government entitlements, but then the very same people are the first in line demanding their entitlements. Conservatives whine about the system being a failure, yet they want to do nothing to save it, and they still want their handout that they feel they have coming. They can't have their cake and eat it too. Either they have to be willing to sacrifice some of their entitled benefits, or pay more taxes, or abolish the system and declare all benefits null-and-void, even the ones they think are rightfully 'theirs'. Right NOW is the time to make minor adjustments. SS insolvency is like a meteorite that's going to hit the earth. Nudge it early and you stave off disaster. Wait until it enters the atmosphere and the world's combined nukes can't stop it.